夏天来了, Summer is coming. 想大口吃西瓜又怕拉肚子怎么办? What if you want to eat big watermelon an_d be afraid of diarrhea? 用什么水果替代? What fruit to replace? 当然有办法! Of course there are ways! 答案是:吃黄瓜! The answer is: eat cucumbers! 这不仅是因为黄瓜和西瓜通出一属,还因为黄瓜几乎继承了西瓜所有的好处。它含水量为各类蔬菜之*,还带有除热、利水、解毒的功效。 This is not only because cucumbers an_d watermelons are a genus, but also because cucumbers inherit almost all the benefits of watermelons. It contains the most water content of all kinds of vegetables, but also has the effect of removing heat, water an_d detoxification. *重要的是,黄瓜适用人群更广:肥胖人群、肝病患者(尤其是爱喝酒的肝病患者)、尿酸高的人群、想排毒养颜的人群、糖尿病人都可以吃。 Most importantly, the cucumber is more suitable for people: obese people, liver disease patients (especially alcoholic liver disease), high uric acid people, people who want to detoxify, people with diabetes can eat. 论黄瓜的秉性,黄瓜可生吃,可凉拌,还可用作主料或是辅料,用来烹制许许多多的美味佳肴,上可登堂入室,在各种宴席一展风采;下则随遇而安,在百姓的餐桌,关爱民生,没有一点儿架子。 On cucumber's nature, cucumber can be eaten raw, can be cold, but also can be used as the main ingredient or accessories, used to cook a lot of delicious dishes, can go into the room, in a variety of banquets to show elegant demeanor; the next is at ease, in the people's table, care for the people's livelihood, without any shelf. 黄瓜既是蔬中佳品,也是一味治病防病的中药,李时珍在《本草纲目》中说:“黄瓜味甘、性凉,能清血除热,解毒消炎。”其肉、皮、秧、籽、根、藤、瓤、蒂、头均可入药。近些年,医学家们通过临床实践研究发现了几点药用效果。 Cucumber is not only a good vegetable, but also a traditional Chinese medicine for disease prevention an_d cure. Li Shizhen said in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "Cucumber is sweet an_d cool, it can clear blood an_d remove heat, detoxify an_d eliminate inflammation." Its meat, skin, seedling, seed, root, vine, pulp, pedicel an_d head can be used as medicine. In recent years, medical practitioners have discovered several medicinal effects through clinical practice. 济南曲堤黄瓜常年代收批发(黄瓜/黄瓜苗销售电话★13964174712)本公司黄瓜产自济阳县曲堤镇,地处黄河下游冲积平原。当地依托自主创新的秸秆反应堆技术给黄瓜提供充足的二氧化碳,通过光合作用,让黄瓜在无需化学肥料、农药的基础上达到品质高低碳无污染的目的。再加上受气候、土壤、日照等因素影响,产出的黄瓜色泽鲜亮、条直刺密、清脆甘甜,属于瓜中上品。“曲堤牌”黄瓜是曲堤镇精心打造的品牌,以其品种优、色泽鲜艳、口感好、无公害等优势被评为无公害食品。 曲堤黄瓜公司常年销售曲堤黄瓜,多年来赢得了全国各地众多客户的好评和支持。公司多年来一直秉承“诚信合作,信誉好,价格合理”的原则,希望广大客户前来合作! 如有需要批发黄瓜、黄瓜蔬菜,黄瓜苗的,可联系电话 13964174712 或15006407571,我们会给你价格上的优惠的。 联系人:盛经理 联系电话1:13964174712 联系电话2:15006407571 地址:济南市济阳县曲堤黄瓜批发市场 黄瓜批发:http://www.qudihuanggua.com/ 预糊化淀粉:http://www.hengtongyhh.com/ 济南外贸推广:http://www.waimaokuaiche.vip 中国升降机制造网:升降机www.shengjiangji.biz 济南微信营销,济南微营销,济南微信推www.weidaoshang.com/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.chinanovo.net/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.cn-un.net/ 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网专家! |
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